I'm going to cut right to the chasef you are not living a life you actually love, you are likely suffering from one or both of two potential problems: 1) you have no vision, or 2) you have blocks holding you backet's address the vision aspect first."Where There is no vision, the people perish." ~ ProverbsMore recently, Tarv Eker said "Most people don't get what they very should have, considering that they don't know what they very should have." How to find out what you wantt takes some time and focus; take the time to incredibly dream while you explore the question, "What do I very want in my life?" Most people don't do this; instead they live into a couple of future handed to them by their parents, society, or others in their lifehey live some default, auto ... [Read More - How To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism]

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